How To Start A Technical Writing Agency

content writting

As technology continues to develop more and more businesses need to work more efficiently and want to save more time. For companies who need a content writer team to write engaging technical content for their websites or product descriptions but don’t have much budget for hiring permanent employees that Technical writing agency comes in handy.

In this article, I’ll show you what is technical writing agency and how to start a writing agency, and give you some tips to earn more profit. So, without wasting any more time let’s hop into it.

What Is A Technical Content Writing Agency?


It is a business where the company/agency creates unique and informational technical content. The content can be descriptive content or blog content. With many technical writers or a content writing team, you can create an Agency for Technical writing.

If you are wondering what are the benefits of creating a technical writing agency? Then let me tell you a little, big tech companies need a writing agency because content writing is a time-consuming thing and it requires skilled employees to do that. 

So, if you start a technical writing agency then you can offer those who need content for their technical products or website’s blog. The agency can take care of that company’s tech content writing so, the company can focus on other aspects of their businesses. 

Big tech hubs look for a reliable and expert technical writing agency because the agency creates high-quality and engaging content. Sometimes tech startups prefer these types of agencies because they help startups to get wide quality audiences.

How To Start A Technical Writing Agency?

If you want to start a Technical writing agency then you need to follow a process to create an agency and offer your clients quality content. Here are some easy steps to follow before starting a technical content writing agency.

1. Conduct Good Market Research


Before starting an agency for content writing it is very important to do your market research. By doing that you’ll understand the market and find out who are your potential clients. 

Identify your clients and observe what your competitors do to get clients. Analyze the trends and stay up to date. In your research don’t forget to point out what are client needs and how other competitors create their solutions.

TIP: You can conduct an online survey or you can talk with experts to gain some experience/knowledge.

2. Create A Plan

discuss about your business

Without a plan you can’t start a business it’s like walking without knowing the path. Creating a business plan for your technical writing agency is a very essential thing. For creating a business plan just identify your goals, make a strategy, and choose a path for your growth. 

Remember to add market analysis to your business plan, don’t forget to add a budget plan for your marketing and other expenses, and act according to the plan. 

TIP: You can change the business plan later according to the trends in the market

3. Create Financial Plan

business planning

After creating your business plan for a technical writing agency, you can make a financial plan to get the perfect budget figure. In your financial planning, you’ll get your revenue and profitability. 

First, know the actual figure for your startup then calculate the revenue then calculate your gross profit margin by subtracting the expense from your revenue.

TIP: Always try to minimize your profits at the start of your agency, try to connect with more clients then increase your prices little by little.

4. Collect Funding 


Once you create your business plan and identify the financial planning then you need funds to start the writing agency. For that, you have so many options to get funds. You can take bank loans for business purposes. There’s always some benefit in every bank if you take a loan for your business/startup.

The U.S. government provides Small Business Administration loans to support startups. You can get investors on many online platforms, or get crowdfunding.

TIP: Be careful when you get loans of funding. Make sure to read all terms and policies carefully and then choose the suitable funding resource.

5. Hire Skill Employees


If you want to start as a freelancer then you can skip this part but if you want to create an agency or a company then you need skilled writers for your technical content writer agency. You don’t need to hire high-paying employees you just need a talented writer.

You can search locally for hiring writers, just define the job criteria and post your hiring ad on the internet to reach to wider audience. When hiring writers just conduct a sample writing that way you can review their writing and select the best for your agency.

TIP: You can start with an experienced writer and hire some fresher writers. The experienced writer can supervise fresher writers to enhance their writing quality and you save some money for hiring freshers as they work on a basic level salary.

7. Marketing Your Business


This is the last thing to do for starting your technical writing agency. When you complete all previous steps then you have to market your agency and services. For that, you can post ads or conduct digital marketing.

This will show the market of technical writing about your existence and create brand awareness. Create a professional website where you can show your services and portfolio, how your clients connect with you, etc. 

TIP: if you conduct good market research then you can easily identify the targeted audiences. You can simply run digital marketing for those audiences.

Salaries Of Content Writing Agency?

If you start a freelancing technical writing agency then you can make up to $65,300 per year. But if you create an agency that can handle multiple projects at the same time then you can make up to $110,900.

According to many content writers, the industry for writers is huge but competition is tough. If you can create brand awareness and make your network strong then you’ll earn $$104,836 annually just make sure to get more clients and deliver them what they deserve from you, high-quality and engaging technical content.



In the end, starting a technical writing agency can be successful if you follow the steps from this article. You can make lots of profit by receiving orders as project-based content or you can add more services to get extra profit. Effective marketing and networking attract more clients just give them a string SEO-enabled engaging content.

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