Using AI To Craft A Message For Friends Is Not Good; Study Shows


Researchers found that humans who use AI to reply or write Messages didn’t put effort as much as those who write by themself. Bingjie Liu the lead author of the study and assistant professor of communication at Ohio State University, thinks the viewpoint is correct and understandable but the effect goes beyond the message itself.

Bingjie Liu said,

“After they get an AI-assisted message, people feel less satisfied with their relationship with their friend and feel more uncertain about where they stand”.

AI is not the technology that does all of your work and you just turned off yourself. AI is for helping you at your work for better efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and saving time. But the study here is showing bad results.

They found that people are learning how to use AI and they are depending on it completely. The shocking part is that they use it to write short messages. 

People want their partners or friends to put forth the effort to come up with their message without help—from AI or other people, Liu said.

As AI chatbots like ChatGpt and Bard are increasing their potential or introducing new features for convenient use, the issues are getting more complex.

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